Are you stuck in existing boundaries in your daily work?
When people challenge themselves beyond existing boundaries,
they open up new avenues, and that is where innovation is born.
We are expanding business possibilities with the power of AI
and intent data to create a world where all people and companies can grow sustainably.
Together with us, let's challenge beyond existing boundaries and move the world forward.
Always explore new paths without being bound by conventions, and maintain a passionate and inquisitive mind.
Let's keep on doing new things until the goal, and deliver excitement to people.
With respect for others, we will express our gratitude in words, and be sincere to everyone involved, both inside and outside the company.
By respecting each other, we will create an environment where we can engage in friendly competition with our colleagues with a smile on our faces.
Continue to grow ourselves to commit to our clients' results.
Lead the technological advancement to grow companies around the world.
Visualize web search behavior and identify
"companies needing your services now".
Sales intelligence can dramatically improve the success rate of business negotiations.
Maximize results in lead acquisition and nurturing initiatives through " Intent Marketing" that leverages intent data.
Visualize web search behavior and identify "companies needing your services now".
Sales intelligence can dramatically improve the success rate of business negotiations.
Maximize results in lead acquisition and nurturing initiatives through " Intent Marketing" that leverages intent data.
顧客起点で事業を成長させる インテントホイールという新モデル | Forbes JAPAN 公式サイト(フォーブス ジャパン)
「つらい営業」にサヨナラ 顧客ニーズはデータで把握
創業2年半でYoY事業成長率900%を実現! インテントセールスで事業拡大を支援するSales Makerの経営手腕と創業秘話
CIOReview APAC 「日本のテック企業TOP20」でSales MarkerがAwardを受賞
KEPPLEインタビュー 商談成功のカギとなるSales Marker、 データとAIで変わる営業の形
インテントセールスで営業プロセスを変革。セールスを「クールで楽しい職種」に変える、Sales Markerの挑戦
毎日新聞出版 既存の枠組みにとらわれずに挑戦しよう
【嫌われない営業】新時代の営業術 インテントセールス/ニーズがある企業に営業できる/テクノロジーによる営業の再現性・標準化・体験を変える/人間とテックの共存が大事
BtoBセールス・マーケティングの概念を変える男 小笠原 羽恭
生成AI時代の営業マンに「仮説構築力」が求められるワケ┃小笠原羽恭 GUGA The Key Person #4
Joined Nomura Research Institute, Ltd. as a new graduate and engaged in core system development, PM, advanced technology R&D, blockchain securities PF construction, and new business development. In 2021, he founded Sales Marker Co., Ltd.(Formerly known as CrossBorder Co., Ltd. ). In 2023, he was nominated to the Forbes 30 Under 30 Asia List, and became a council member of the Generation AI Promotion Association (GUGA).
After joining Keyence, he worked as a corporate sales representative, selling industrial equipment to companies in the transportation, electronic components, and food industries, before moving to Voicy. He was involved in the launch of corporate sales right after joining the company as a business developer. During his time at Voicy, he was in charge of a wide range of operations to expand the business, focusing on corporate sales, new sales, sales planning, alliances, customer success, etc. After that he co-founded Sales Marker Co., Ltd.(Formerly known as CrossBorder Co., Ltd. ). He launched SalesMarker, a BtoB sales intelligence service, drawing on his experience at two companies, a large corporation and a startup.
After completing his master's degree at Washington University in St. Louis, he joined LINE Corporation as a new graduate. After engaging in a company-wide big data platform construction project, he moved to Microsoft Japan, where he worked in the AI & Big Data Division, responsible for providing overall system support from system design to development and operation for customers around the world. He then joined Standby Inc. where he led the construction of a real-time analysis platform. He co-founded Sales Marker Co., Ltd.(Formerly known as CrossBorder Co., Ltd. ) with a vision to contribute to the efficiency of society through technology.
After completing a bachelor's degree in computer science at New York University Abu Dhabi, he joined PwC Digital (Dubai), where he participated in a project to develop a smart city concept utilizing IoT and an omni-channel customer center, and then worked on a project to promote DX for all public services. After that, he moved to MICIN, Inc. to lead the development of web services and applications for digitizing medication administration, and co-founded Sales Marker Co., Ltd.(Formerly known as CrossBorder Co., Ltd. ), aiming to create products that will contribute to the challenges of many companies.
After graduating from the University of Tokyo, he joined the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, and was engaged in mid-term strategy assessment support for financial institutions at Boston Consulting Group.
After that, he worked for Ant Capital and Japan Investment Corporation for about 10 years in PE investment. He has been involved in a wide range of investments in the apparel and textile industries, cyber security, SaaS, carve-outs of major manufacturers, etc. He has also worked for several companies such as LocoPartners and others.
He has also served as CFO of several startup companies, including LocoPartners, where he raised billions of Yen in total and led M&A exits.
Joined Sales Marker Co., Ltd. as CFO in May 2023.
After graduating from Aoyama Gakuin University, he joined Intelligence Corporation (now PERSOL CAREER Co., Ltd.) as a new graduate. After working in the Human Resources Department and in sales in the engineering recruiting support area, he joined BizReach Inc. in 2011. After working in sales and BtoB marketing for BizReach, he was involved in the launch of the business as the Business Development Manager of HRMOS, an early-phase standby. He was also involved in the establishment of the recruiting department and the development of the HR organization as the organization grew rapidly. After that, he worked for COUNTERWORKS Inc. and became independent, and joined Sales Marker as CHRO in June 2023. He is in charge of the human resources and recruitment area.
After graduating from Tama Art University, he joined Yahoo Japan Corporation as a new graduate. After working as a web designer at Yahoo Shopping for three years, he was transferred to the company-wide branding department, where he was in charge of creative direction for brand design. Later, as the head of the Creative Center directly under the CEO, he promoted service UI and visual design for the entire company. He also received the title of Black Belt as the representative of the company's visual design for 4 years from 2018.
After that, he joined Sales Marker as CDO after serving as the general manager of the brand design division of LINE Yahoo, where he was mainly engaged in Sales Marker's rebranding and brand creative strategy.
After graduating, she worked as a general receptionist for a retail company and joined Sales Marker Co., Ltd. in January 2024, where she currently works as a general affairs and secretarial assistant, in charge of office-related general affairs and assisting executives.
After graduating from IIT, Roorke, India in 2018, he joined the Identity Platform team as a Backend Engineer at Mercari, where he gained experience in building and managing authentication infrastructure for the Fintech sector. After being promoted to lead and gaining experience in job interviewing and team management, he joined Sales Marker as a Senior Backend Engineer in a fast-growing environment looking for a bigger challenge. He had the opportunity to develop key projects related to search functionality and cloud infrastructure. Currently, as a backend leader, he is working on expanding the team and modernizing and building the next generation backend architecture.
Joined Indeed Japan as a new graduate. As a senior software engineer, he was responsible for new feature development projects. Later, he joined Google Japan, where he worked on improving the UGC functionality of Google Maps. Currently, he is an engineering manager at Sales Marker Inc.
フィリピンから日本、スタートアップから大企業まで幅広く活躍するQAエンジニア|株式会社Sales Marker エンジニア
After graduation, she worked as a product owner in the gaming development industry in the Philippines for 4.5 years. After moving to Japan, she shifted her career to QA engineer, and throughout her 3 years of experience, she has been responsible for testing mobile (Android and iOS) and web applications for startups specializing in SNS application development to major companies such as Rakuten. Currently, she is the first QA at Sales Marker, where she contributes to improving product quality.
After graduating from the University of Washington, he returned to Japan and worked in corporate sales at Recruit Co., Ltd. where he was ranked No. 1 in sales by the company's peers. He also runs his own martial arts dojo. Currently, he is the first sales person to join the company and is currently the Sales Division Manager.
We are looking for members who will help us to realize our mission
"Create a world where all people and companies can challenge outside of existing boundaries".
If you are interested in Sales Marker,
please click here to view our company profile and other information.
※The destination will be a Japanese site.